Author Archives: Tina

Chinese Herbal Medicine and Colds and Flus

It’s the Fall season and the change of weather. Tis the season of colds and flus. Protect yourself by preventing them with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture.
Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture can maintain a strong immune system or what’s called “Wei Qi”, so that the external pathogens (Evil Qi) cannot attack the body. In other words, your Wei Qi (immune system) must be compromised in order to become vulnerable to a viral infection.
Ideally, your immune response will be strong if you have a healthy lifestyle, such as enough sleep, exercise, healthy, balanced eating and manage your daily stress. If they get our of balance and your immune system is compromised. The Evil Qi is able to get through the Wei Qi and you get sick.
Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture can help strengthen your immune system so you wont get sick or if you are sick, it can help get you better faster. Be preventive in your health and give me a call.
Have a Wonderful Day!

Acupuncture Can Help IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is when the intestines loses their ability move out their contents. Major symptoms can diarrhea, bloating in the abdominals that is painful and/or constipation. Less severe symptoms may be anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches.

Acupuncture can help with the imbalance of the spleen. The spleen is in charge of digestion and moves the foods and liquid, without proper function of the spleen your energy that provides power and nourishment for the entire body will not function correctly. Another way IBS can effect your body is from the Liver. In Chinese Medicine the Liver is associated with emotional factors and a poor diet that consists of overindulgence of alcohol, drugs, medicines and/or a poor diet can attack the spleen and weaken your body. This will lead to poor digestion and IBS.

One other imbalance is Kidney Yang imbalance. Your kidney yang is the energy that provides warmth to your body. Thus warming the spleen aids in better digestion. Symptoms of Kidney Yang deficiency is early morning diarrhea, cold limbs, weak knees, sore back and bladder incontinence.

Acupuncture will help balance your body and get to the root of the problems of IBS.

Get into action and call me at 714-875-5790











Acupuncture and Kicking the Smoking Habit

More than 25 diseases are associated with tobacco use, including cancer of the lungs, bladder, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, kidney, pancreas, uterus and cervix. Smoking also raises emphysema and increases the risk of having a stoke by 30 percent.

The good news is acupuncture has helped millions to kick the habit. Some of the largest stumbling block… of becoming smoke free are the stress, anxiety, and depression associated with quitting. Acupuncture treatments is quite successful at calming and relaxing the mind, reduce the anxiety, and alleviating depressive feelings.

Specific acupuncture points are used to help to suppress the desire to smoke to reduce the nicotine cravings. Acupuncture can help restore your body to a healthy state of balance and well-being. If your ready to quit the habit.

Contact me at 714-875-5790.

Boost Your Intensity In The Gym

The results you achieve are equal to the intensity of your workout.

In other words, you get what you give when it comes to exercise and results.

If you simply go through the motions, while staying in your comfort zone, then results will always be a hope for tomorrow and not today’s reality.

So what exactly do I mean when I say intensity?

Intensity is a measure of how much energy you’re expending while exercising. The harder you push yourself, the higher your intensity. When you’re simply going through the motions of a routine, without digging down and giving it your all, the workout lacks intensity and your results will disappoint.

During your workout pay attention to how you feel. Could you be working harder? If the honest answer is yes, then step it up a notch. It’s worth it…

In addition to seeing awesome results quickly, there are two more benefits to bringing up your exercise intensity.

The first benefit is that when you bring the intensity you’re able to shorten
exercise time. This means less time spent sweating away in the gym and more time
doing the things you really love. All while getting even better results than
with longer, low intensity workouts.

The second benefit is the after burn that you’ll experience after an intense workout. Simply put, this means that your body will continue to burn extra calories long after you have finished
exercising. Talk about supercharging your results! Just imagine how quickly your
body could transform when you begin to harness the power of exercise intensity.

One thing to remember – it’s important that you never sacrifice proper
form in favor of intensity. As soon as your form starts to be compromised,
reduce your intensity to where proper form is achieved.

I’m here to help you transform your body (and your whole life!) through the power of fitness.

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet includes about 1,500 calories a day, or less if the person is not active. You can lose weight if you consume a 1,500 or less balanced diet and limit the amount of sugar to 10-15 teaspoons per day.

To figure out the amount of sugar in foods, look up the grams of carbohydrates in processed foods, usually given per serving. Subtract the grams of fiber in the serving and divide the remainder by 5 to get the teaspoons of sugar.

Fat Intake- A balanced diet should be less than 30% fat. To calculate the percentage of fat calories in processed foods, as most labels only include fat grams. To determine the fat grams. Divide the number by the total number of calories in your dietary intake to get the ratio of fat to your overall diet for that day. Multiply by 100 for you final percentage.

Protein in your diet- Take your ideal weight in pounds and divide by 2 to get the grams of protein you consume in a day. For example, 140lbs/2 = 70 grams of protein a day.

Exercise at least 2-3 day a week, get enough sleep, be passionate about eating a healthy diet, manage you daliy stress, and enjoy what you do, all these will prolong a healthy balanced life.

Acupuncture And Infertilty

        There is strong evidence that acupuncture increases the production of endorphins, or brain chemicals that make you feel good and help reduce stress. Acupuncture can affect other hormone levels to increase fertility. Acupuncture also improves blood supply to the ovaries, which improves their function, and to the uterus, which can make it easier to nourish a fetus and reduce the risk of miscarriage.
Based on Chinese theory acupuncture can raise fertility potential by affecting the quality, quantity, balance and flow of Qi and blood. When Qi (life energy) and blood are circulating freely throughout the body, the internal organs are properly nourished and functioning well. Only when this energetic balance of the body is built, conception can be achieved and a healthy pregnancy will be developed.
Recently a number of scientific research have proven that acupuncture enhance fertility and help treat infertility. For example, seven scientific trials among 1,366 women of different ages with infertility showed that having acupuncture at the same time of transferring embryos during IVF obtained more than double the chance of the woman becoming pregnant. A German study with 160 women suggests that acupuncture works for fertility. They found that pregnancy rates among the women undergoing acupuncture were significantly higher than those using IVF alone. A study published in Human Reproduction found that blood flow to the uterus increases during acupuncture treatment.
Call for an Appointment, 714-875-5790 or go to

Acupuncture and Digestion

If you or someone you know is experiencing indigestion, irritable bowels, constipation, bloating or pain (in the stomach or intestines), acupuncture can be a tremendous resource for feeling better now and maintaining those improvements over the long term. Acupuncture improves the body functions of digestion, absorption and metabolism. Acupuncture reduce…s ulcers and neutralizes excessive stomach acid. Acupuncture calms abdominal distention and helps the body balance as to reduce or completely eliminate IBS symptoms. Acupuncture even addresses overeating and sugar addictions. Acupuncture & Digestion: The TCM Perspective TCM states that the stomach receives food, while the spleen transports, distributes and transforms nutrients. They both share the work and coordinate to fulfill the task of the digestion and absorption of food. When the function of the spleen in transporting and transforming the nutrients is in disorder, symptoms such as poor digestion, poor appetite, abdominal distension, weakness of the limbs and weight loss may occur. The small intestine receives the food content that has been partially digested by the stomach and then completes the digestion and absorbs it. In the light of modern medicine, most of the carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the food are absorbed by duodenum and jejunum, while the bile salts and vitamin B12 are absorbed by ileum. Water and electrolytes are also exchanged in the small intestine. The endocrine function of the pancreas also contains various digestive enzymes important to digestive function. So what does that all mean for your acupuncture treatments? Acupuncture stimulates energy to the liver, gall bladder, stomach and spleen (the four main channels for digestion) along with the small intestine, large intestine and even lung or heart channels (depending on the particular patient). Acupuncture isn’t a one-size-fits-all treatment. Needles can be placed at specific points to maximize the effectiveness for the patient, and those “patterns” will somewhat change from session to session based on exactly how the patient is doing that day and responding to treatment. Acupuncture & Digestion: The Process Every patient is different. Some patients have varying degrees of “excessive heat” in their system causing problems, while others have varying degrees of “excessive cold” creating symptoms. Through a consultation we’ll discuss your main issue, the type and intensity of your discomfort and when that discomfort occurs. We’ll discuss your diet and lifestyle and eating habits to determine if there’s anything contributing to the problem. And the acupuncture sessions will combine treatments and nutritional counseling. It can be wonderfully empowering for a patient to not only feel better and experience better digestion from acupuncture treatments, but also feel he or she has more control over how to stay healthy moving forward.

Get Ready For New Year Resolutions

Get Ready for New Year Resolutions.
 Resolve 2013, with Standard Process Detox & Weight Loss Management Program.
Why do I need to Detox?
Purification (Detoxification), can help you remove toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. We are exposed to external toxins everyday, ex, pollutants, chemicals and pesticides. Our bodies become overburdened. Detoxification will add support to …expel the toxins and reduce your weight. It will strengthen the bodies’ natural defenses to heal itself. What are the benefits to Detoxification?
 *Weight Loss
 *Increased energy
 *Better sleep
 *Less bloating
 *Clearer thinking
 *Clearer skin
 *Shiner Hair
 *Disappearance or lessening of past conditions (Inflammation, menopausal/PMS symptoms, digestive problems, etc)
 So ring in the New Year with a healthy mind, body, and spirit.
 For more information on the program contact Tina Labok at 714-875-5790

Beat The Holiday Weight Gain

       Tis the season to get heavy! No wonder most people gain weight during the holidays, everywhere you turn, your surrounded by high calorie food and drinks. Even heathly foods like sweet potatoes and green beans are magically transformed into high-calorie dishes, and the drinks…yes the eggnog and alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories.
Want to sidestep those holiday pounds?
 Stay Focused- Family and friends are gathering this time of year. Remind yourself of where you’ve come from and where you’re going. Keep your goals in the forefront of your mind. A few bites of food high calorie food aren’t worth hours on the treadmill. The holiday can be a time for emotional eating, for many stress, family conflict or depression can be a factor. Learn to address the root of your problems with solutions other than food or drink.
 Strategize- Come up with a plan. If you want to keep your diet on track, you’ll need to pace yourself. Dont’ come to a party hungry but eat a small low calorie snack ahead of time. Otherwise, you can overeat. At the party choose foods wisely, go with a small plate instead of a large one and don’t stand right next to the table of food, but keep a safe distance away so not to be tempeted to overindulge. Keep away from the food table! The holidays offer many food choices not available the rest of the year. Make choices that will be healthy for you.
 Enjoy! Happy Healthy Holidays!

Acupuncture and Allergies

Over time, the body is affected my many causes that affect the body and imblance of Wei Qi. These imbalances stem from a varitey of causes, including stress, poor diet, constututional weakness, pollutants and environmental toxins. If these imbalances remain with the body, they will affect the Wei Qi. (Wei Qi in Chinese medicine is similar to the Western concept of the immune system.) When Wei Qi becomes inadequate, health is compromised and the body becomes vulunerable to foreign invarders such as dust, mold, animal dander, bacteria, viruses and pollen. Acupuncture will treat and eliminate visible symptoms and signs, while addressing the root causes and underlying imbalances affecting the quality and quantity of Wei Qi, thus improving your immune system. Explore Acupuncutre it works! Call for an appointment