How Acupuncture for Anxiety Works
Ancient Chinese medicine describes an energy force called Qi that regulates the body’s overall health, according to University of Chicago Medicine. Like blood in the circulatory system, Qi moves throughout the body via pathways called meridians. When factors like injury, stress, poor nutrition, or a change in environment disrupt the flow of Qi, health issues follow, according to the University of Miami Health System. By inserting needles at specific points in the body, acupuncturists restore the balance of Qi and the body’s overall health.
This concept might seem outdated to some, but Daniel Hsu, DAOM (Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), LAc, a practitioner at New York AcuHealth Acupuncture in New York City, says Qi is just a metaphor for metabolic function, or the chemical reactions constantly taking place in the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine relates anxiety to an imbalance of the heart and kidney. Fire represents the heart and joy according to the five elements. The diagnosis is that too much heat in the heart will imbalance the interaction with the kidney (represented as water and fear). This will result in the water organ failing to contain the fire organ rising up to the mind, leading to anxiety. Acupuncture on points around the heart, kidney, spleen and ear are used to treat anxiety.
Treating Acupuncture for Anxiety
Acupuncturists insert each needle in what is called a “prescription”. Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety. All of these results, can help people feel more balanced and treat a variety of illnesses. Acupuncture calms the body, mind and spirit down. Allowing the patient to relax through the treatment and lasting effects are all day.
Acupuncture is a way of being preventative in regards to your health. Take the time out of your busy life and get into the habit of getting regular acupuncture treatment. Regular acupuncture treatments will keep your immunity up, improve your digestion and simply keep you healthy. Regular acupuncture treatment can be once a week, bi-weekly or once and month treatments. Take the time to be preventative.