Diabetes is a condition characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood due to a limited production of or ineffective performance of insulin in the body. After a person eats, glucose (sugar) from the food enters the bloodstream. Insulin, a chemical produced by the pancreas, then absorbs glucose from the blood and deposits it into various cells to use for energy. If the body’s insulin levels are too low or the insulin does not function properly, glucose collects in the blood, causing diabetes.
Type II diabetes can develop in persons of any age and is characterized by a condition called insulin resistance. This occurs when liver, muscle and fat cells (which usually store and use glucose for when the body needs it) stop being able to properly use insulin. Physical inactivity and being overweight are risk factors for Type II diabetes. Signs that an individual may have diabetes include frequent urination, abnormal thirst, slow healing of wounds, unexplained weight loss, dry or itchy skin, abnormal hunger or fatigue, and numbness in the feet.
In Chinese Medicine, diabetes is called, Xiao Ke, (Thirsting and Wasting) disease that is caused by deficiencies in the kidney/adrenal, pancreas, and lung organ/glandular systems. The key symptoms include thirst, weight loss or gain, fatigue, and sugar in the urine. Chinese medicine practitioners recommend a combination of Western and Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. The Chinese medicine practitioner focuses on strengthening the body and managing long-term symptoms with acupuncture and herbs. Acupuncture is also used to control blood sugar levels.
There are many different TCM disease patterns that can develop for diabetics and a differential Chinese medicine diagnosis is necessary to determine the exact syndrome. Yin deficiency is a common pattern in diabetes and is caused by stress, overeating, and fatigue. Heat and dryness in the lungs and stomach are also common patterns.
Yin deficiency diabetes symptoms include
- heat in the chest, soles and palms
- dry mouth and tongue
- sore lower back
- frequent urination
Lung and stomach heat and dryness symptoms include
- restlessness
- frequent sensations of hunger and thirst
- dry tongue and mouth
- frequent urination
It is important to get a thorough diagnosis from a Chinese medicine practitioner to determine the exact syndromes that are causing the diabetes.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine treatment of Diabetes
Chinese medicine treatments include dietary therapy, stress reduction (meditation), exercise and qi gong,acupuncture and herbal medicine.
Acupuncture is effective at controlling blood sugar levels, reducing appetite and thirst, improving blood flow and circulation, and preserving nerve function. Acupuncture can help to manage cholesterol levels which reduce the cardiovascular complications of diabetes. Peripheral neuropathy can be managed with acupuncture.
Acupuncture treatments for diabetics are usually on-going and used long-term to manage symptoms of diabetes. Treatments are recommended 1-2 times per week in relation to blood sugar levels and symptoms. Acupuncture is usually combined with herbal remedies for best results.