Boost Your Intensity In The Gym

The results you achieve are equal to the intensity of your workout.

In other words, you get what you give when it comes to exercise and results.

If you simply go through the motions, while staying in your comfort zone, then results will always be a hope for tomorrow and not today’s reality.

So what exactly do I mean when I say intensity?

Intensity is a measure of how much energy you’re expending while exercising. The harder you push yourself, the higher your intensity. When you’re simply going through the motions of a routine, without digging down and giving it your all, the workout lacks intensity and your results will disappoint.

During your workout pay attention to how you feel. Could you be working harder? If the honest answer is yes, then step it up a notch. It’s worth it…

In addition to seeing awesome results quickly, there are two more benefits to bringing up your exercise intensity.

The first benefit is that when you bring the intensity you’re able to shorten
exercise time. This means less time spent sweating away in the gym and more time
doing the things you really love. All while getting even better results than
with longer, low intensity workouts.

The second benefit is the after burn that you’ll experience after an intense workout. Simply put, this means that your body will continue to burn extra calories long after you have finished
exercising. Talk about supercharging your results! Just imagine how quickly your
body could transform when you begin to harness the power of exercise intensity.

One thing to remember – it’s important that you never sacrifice proper
form in favor of intensity. As soon as your form starts to be compromised,
reduce your intensity to where proper form is achieved.

I’m here to help you transform your body (and your whole life!) through the power of fitness.