
Cupping services include:

  • Initial consultation
  • Custom treatment plan according to patient’s condition

To get started with your custom Cupping treatment, please give me a call at (714) 875-5790.

About Cupping

Practitioners use cupping to promote healing. The vacuum that is created from the cups on the patient’s skin mobilizes blood; dispel stagnation in the body thereby improving qi flow. There are several different types of cupping modalities.

Bamboo cups

Bamboo cups create a low air pressure next to the skin, they are left in place to pulls up stagnant Qi (Energy) and blood.

Rubber cups

Rubber Cups are squeezed directly under the skin, air fills the cup to pull up Qi and blood. Rubber cups can bee placed quickly on different acupuncture point locations.

Fire cups

Fire Cups is a treatment where a cotton ball is dipped in 50%-90% alcohol and lit under the glass cup to create a suction. Then placed on the skin. Fire cups are moved under the skin along the meridian and at specific acupuncture points.

Depending on the specific treatment, skin marking is common after the cups are removed. This may be a simple red ring that disappears quickly. The discoloration left by the cups is normally from bruising especially if dragging the cups while suctioned from one place to another to break down muscle fiber. Usually treatments are not painful, but treatment is discontinued if the subject experiences more than minor discomfort. The modality of cupping boosts the immune system, allowing the body to heal itself.