Every year, more than 100,000 people are hospitalized due to complication from the flu virus. Colds are much less severe than the flu, although like the flu, viruses and germs cause illness. Flu symptoms are worse then cold symptoms, either way, you feel lousy.
Acupuncture can provide you with relief. Clinical studies have suggested that acupuncture as a preventative approach to colds and flu bu reducing the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection and is able to shorten the length of the illness.
Your body has levels of Qi, the first level of Qi is Wei Qi. Wei Qi is similar to the Western concept of the immune system, its your amour in a sense. Wei Qi functions as barrier that protects and defends the body against foreign substances, that can cause illness. When your Wei Qi is strong, you remain healthy. When it is not strong you immune system is compromised and you become vulnerable to germs, called, ‘Evil Qi’. The result is illness.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine support, strengthen the system of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi, and can help rebalance and support the immune system and stimulate Wei Qi energy. Balancing and building Wei Qi, your body will become in balance and thus facilitating the smooth free flow of Qi throughout the body, building and strengtheing a strong immune system. When this occurs your body is strong, your Wei Qi is strong. You will feel better faster.
Acupuncture is preventative and can shorten the onset of a cold and flu. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are drug free, safe natural and effective ways to support the body’s self-regulating, self-balancing and healing systems. If you should become ill, acupuncture can help you get back on your feet.
Build and strengthen your immune system with Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Give me a call, 714-875-5790