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Acupuncture can help Menopause

Menopause is a natural, physiological cycle tht occurs in all women. Conventional medicine treatments only address various symptoms and sigins associated with menopause.

Aupuncture and Chinese Medicine treats and understands that symptoms and signs are merely indication of an imblances deep within the body. This ancient healing medicine focuses upon correcting underlying imbalcnces. These imbalances, if left unchecked, will result in a variety of symptoms and signs normally associated with a Western diagnosis of menopuase.

Estrogen is similar to what acupuncturists called JING Qi. Jing Qi is like a gift that is given to all of us at the time of conception. It is the battery that provides us with the basic energy to power all our life functions. When Jing qi is abundant, our ability to adapt to disease, illness and stress is optimal.

As we age, our Jing Qi energy is slowly drained. Declining of Jing Qi is between the ages of 35 to 60. When the Jing Qi declines, the organ system within our body becomes unbalanced. This lead to various symptoms and signs, such as weakness in knees, urinary difficulty, poor memory, backache and fatigue.

Another factor that can contribute to menopause is an imbalance of Yin and Yang energies. Yin is the cooling system of the body. When this cooling system declines, heat symptoms will naturally arise, leading to night sweats, restlessness, hot flashes, mood swings, heart palpitations and insomnia. The decline of yang energy can also imbalance. Yang represents the warming and metabolizing functions of the body. When Yang is unbalanced symptoms may include w3ater retention, cold hands, and feet, weight gain, edema, indigestion, hypertension or raised cholestrol levels.

This is what Acupuncture can do for Menopause:

Treating menopausal symptoms is conducted throught a thorough evaluation and a complete health history. The signs and symptoms and other information that is gathered are pieces of the diagnostic health puzzle. Each patient is unique and a proper treatment plan will be address for each patient.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine. will help menopausual symptoms. Give me a call and let’s get started.

Tina Labok Wellness-714875-5790

Acupuncture Colds and Flu

Every year, more than 100,000 people are hospitalized due to complication from the flu virus. Colds are much less severe than the flu, although like the flu, viruses and germs cause illness. Flu symptoms are worse then cold symptoms, either way, you feel lousy.

Acupuncture can provide you with relief. Clinical studies have suggested that acupuncture as a preventative approach to colds and flu bu reducing the incidence of upper respiratory tract infection and is able to shorten the length of the illness.

Your body has levels of Qi, the first level of Qi is Wei Qi. Wei Qi is similar to the Western concept of the immune system, its your amour in a sense.  Wei Qi functions as barrier that protects and defends the body against foreign substances, that can cause illness. When your Wei Qi is strong, you remain healthy. When it is not strong you immune system is compromised and you become vulnerable to germs, called, ‘Evil Qi’. The result is illness.

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine support, strengthen the system of the body that are involved in the production of Wei Qi, and can help rebalance and support the immune system and stimulate Wei Qi energy. Balancing and building Wei Qi, your body will become in balance and thus facilitating the smooth free flow of Qi throughout the body, building and strengtheing a strong immune system. When this occurs your body is strong, your Wei Qi is strong. You will feel better faster.

Acupuncture is preventative and can shorten the onset of a cold and flu. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are drug free, safe natural and effective ways to support the body’s self-regulating, self-balancing and healing systems. If you should become ill, acupuncture can help you get back on your feet.

Build and strengthen your immune system with Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, Give me a call, 714-875-5790


Weight Loss and Acupuncture

Many people struggle with losing weight. In fact, more than 35% of all U.S. adults meet the criteria for being obese. Americans spend billions of dollars annually on weight loss quick fix products. There is NO quick fix to losing weight.

Many Americans are turning to surgery as weight loss option. This can be a drastic measure and can cause unwanted side effects, excess weight is not just a cosmetic issue. There are risk factors to being over weight, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease. The good news is that maintaining a healthy weight can reduce your risk  of these issues and its never too late to get started.

People seeking to address their weight concerns are turning to acupuncture as a natural and effective way to losing their unwanted pounds. Acupuncture is a holistic, whole body approach to being and staying healthy. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture work to restore the balance and flow of the body’s Qi, or vital energy.

Acupuncture works to control weight on many levels.

  1. Releases Endorphins- with diet changes, many people experience cravings, which can lead to binge eating. Cravings in the body are often due to a lack of endorphins. Acupuncture can help to balance out the cravings by helping the body to release endorphins.
  2. Reduces stress- An increase in the cortisol can alter the metabolism. Through the release of endorphins, cortisol can be neutralized.
  3. Acupuncture supports the body to generate an efficient digestive process and get your QI flowing to increase metabolism.

As an acupuncturist, I will take into consideration other factors that may have led to weight gain, including you lifestyle, and emotional and mental well-being. Your treatments will focus on correcting any underlying imbalances in your body, and also help to support you in reaching you weight loss goals.

Give me a call at 714-875-5790.

Acupuncture and IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a complex disorder. The intestines lose their ability to efficiently move contents. The main symptoms of IBS are and/or constipation. Some other symptoms can be fatigue, bloating, abdominal pain, headaches, depression and anxiety. These symptoms may be triggered by stress, diet, emotional factors, hormone levels and medications.

The Spleen

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine are safe way to address IBS. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can create a clear picture of the root imbalances that lead to IBS symptoms. In Chinese medicine  there can be an imbalance with the Spleen. The spleen  is in charge of digestion and assimilation of foods and liquids. One of the main functions of the spleen is to aid in the production of Spleen Qi, Spleen Qi is the energy that provides power and nourishment for the entire body.

The Liver

The Liver is associated with emotional health. Stress and anger directly influence the function of your Liver. Alcohol, drugs and medication, or a poor diet can further compromise the liver’s function. When the Liver energy is overflowing, the livers energy attacks the spleen. If your spleen is already weakened, it can be easily overcome. The result can be stress-induced IBS. When the liver is compromised, symptoms can be bloating, gas, headaches, and dull pain.

The Kidney

The kidney yang is energy that provides warmth for your body. The energy warms the spleen to help in digestion and breakdown food. If the Kidney energies are compromised, symptoms can be early morning diarrhea and bladder incontinence, weak knees, cold limbs and a sore back.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help with the symptoms and put your body back in to balance. Also you may need adjunct therapies such as herbs, dietary changes, and exercise in order to maximize healing.

If you’re suffering from IBS, give me  a call and let’s get you well. #714-875-5790

Acupuncture and Depression


Today, it is estimated that five million Americans are taking Prozac. Unfortunately, over the last seven years there have been 31,000 reports of adverse reactions to this powerful drug. More and more people struggling with depression are beginning to ask, “Is there any safe, effective treatment that I can use regularly without worrying about side effects? What is the natural way to deal with depression?”

In my clinic, I’m often asked the same question by patients, and other health professionals: “How do Chinese, Japanese, and other people from Asia deal with depression?” Prozac is not familiar to most Chinese, not even the health professionals in China. Many popular anti-depression drugs are not available in hospitals in China. It is not that the Chinese experience less stress than Americans do: it is very hard to avoid stress in today’s world, no matter where we live. But people in China deal with stress and emotional problems differently: they get acupuncture treatments and take herbal formulas instead of looking to drugs.

Chinese medicine incorporates centuries of experience in dealing with depression. The first medical book, The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, which was written 2300 years ago, contained theories on the origins of depression. In Chinese medicine, mental or emotional problems such as depression are attributed to an imbalance or blockage in one or more of the internal organs (Zang/Fu) and the energy pathways (meridians) that pertain to them. Some common patterns that can manifest as depression are Liver qi, Stagnation, Spleen qi Deficiency, Kidney Essence Deficiency, or Lung and Heart meridian disorder. Generally, people begin by experiencing an imbalance in one organ or meridian. Untreated, or improperly treated, the disorder will spread, involving other organs and meridians. Chinese medical doctors emphasize early diagnosis and early preventive treatment of imbalances.

Traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, is a safe and effective way to deal with depression. Acupuncture, herbal formulas, and other Chinese medical modalities have been used in China for over 5000 years, but have only recently become mainstream in the United States in the last twenty-five years.

The people who come to my clinic looking for help with their depression, are typically those who have already tried everything else. Often they have tried seven or eight different anti-depressant prescriptions, with disappointing results. Either the drugs didn’t work, or the side effects were too unpleasant, or they didn’t want to take anti-depression drugs for the rest of their lives. Almost every one of my patients feels that acupuncture has definitely improved their quality of life. A number of scientific studies also supply a great deal of evidence on how and why acupuncture can help depression. A clinical study has shown that patients who received acupuncture treatments experienced significant reduction in depression symptoms. After treatment, more than half no longer meet the criteria for clinical depression. Statistically, that makes acupuncture just as effective as antidepressants. Studies also show that acupuncture can change the levels of many neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, that profoundly affect mental states. If your feeling depresssed. Let Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture help you.

Please give me a call to schedule treatment. 714-875-5790

Acupuncture in a Nutshell

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that has been practiced for thousand of years. TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) is quite complex and can be difficult for some people to understand. It is based, at least in part, on the Daoist belief that we live in a universe in which everything is interconnected. What occurs in one part of the body affects every other part of the body.

The mind, body and spirit are not viewed as separate, but viewed as interconnected structures that work together to keep the body functioning. TCM explains acupuncture as a technique that balances the flow of energy or life force known as Qi (chee). Qi flows through pathways (meridians) in your body.

By inserting fine thread like needles into specific points along these meridians, acupuncturist are able to balance the flow of Qi (energy) which then allows the body to balance and heal. Acupuncture is NOT painful. You will feel a heaviness at times when a needle is inserted or shooting sensation of energy through your body. This is energy moving in your body. The treatment will take 4–50 minutes.  During treatment you will be able to relax and listen to music. This gives your body a chance to be calm and heal.

Acupuncture can treat many conditions, its Not just for pain. For example, acupuncture can treat, a common cold, flu, bronchitis, headaches, migraines, menopause, PMS, labor pains, nausea, TMJ, dental pain, osteoarthritis, psychological disorders, addiction, low back pain, knee pain, pain in the body, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders and so many more conditions. Acuupuncture works to balance you mind, body and spirtit. Be consistent with treatments and be patient with yourself.

Give this ancient, wonderful medicine a try, you will be amazed.

Give me a call at 714-875-5790, let this amazing medicine work for you!


Treating Anxiety with Acupuncture

How Acupuncture for Anxiety Works

Ancient Chinese medicine describes an energy force called Qi that regulates the body’s overall health, according to University of Chicago Medicine. Like blood in the circulatory system, Qi moves throughout the body via pathways called meridians. When factors like injury, stress, poor nutrition, or a change in environment disrupt the flow of Qi, health issues follow, according to the University of Miami Health System. By inserting needles at specific points in the body, acupuncturists restore the balance of Qi and the body’s overall health.

This concept might seem outdated to some, but Daniel Hsu, DAOM (Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine), LAc, a practitioner at New York AcuHealth Acupuncture in New York City, says Qi is just a metaphor for metabolic function, or the chemical reactions constantly taking place in the body.

Traditional Chinese medicine relates anxiety to an imbalance of the heart and kidney. Fire represents the heart and joy according to the five elements. The diagnosis is that too much heat in the heart will imbalance the interaction with the kidney (represented as water and fear). This will result in the water organ failing to contain the fire organ rising up to the mind, leading to anxiety. Acupuncture on points around the heart, kidney, spleen and ear are used to treat anxiety.

Treating Acupuncture for Anxiety

Acupuncturists insert each needle in what is called a “prescription”. Depending on where the needles go, acupuncture can cause the nervous system to produce painkilling chemicals, jump-start the body’s natural ability to heal itself, or stimulate the part of the brain that controls emotions, including anxiety. All of these results, can help people feel more balanced and treat a variety of illnesses. Acupuncture calms the body, mind and spirit down. Allowing the patient to relax through the treatment and lasting effects are all day.

Acupuncture is a way of being preventative in regards to your health. Take the time out of your busy life and get into the habit of getting regular acupuncture treatment. Regular acupuncture treatments will keep your immunity up, improve your digestion and simply keep you healthy. Regular acupuncture treatment can be once a week, bi-weekly or once and month treatments. Take the time to be preventative.

Salt, Salt, Salt!

Fit Bit Of The Day

Did you know that many of us our salt deficient. Studied have shown that people that cut salt and are deficient can develop thyroid issues. Salt is necessary for digestion, nutrient absorption, cell function and metabolism. Salt is a mineral and unrefined sea salt, rock salt and hymalayin salt are the best source of sodium and ionic minerals. It is important to use unprocessed salt in your diet. Common table salt is stripped of its mineral value. So keep the unprocessed salt in your diet.

7 Way To Burn Fat

Boost Your Burn #1: Track Everything

Counting calories, weighing out food portions, and keeping tabs on how far and fast you run isn’t the most exciting thing to do. But if you want to burn more fat, you need to do it. Without tracking your intake and outtake, you will never be able to figure out the weaknesses in your fat-burning program. Once you grow accustomed to keeping track, it becomes very rewarding when you have a good day. And since you live in the 21st century, tracking the amount of fat you consume and burn is made easier thanks to all sorts of electronic devices and apps. So make use of those that make the most sense to you and stay on top of your fat-burning game.

Boost Your Burn #2: Power Up with Protein

Every time you eat a meal, toss some protein in for good measure. Whether you go with lean chicken or beef, beans or lentil, or Greek yogurt, plugging protein into every meal helps your body stay full and fueled. When you keep protein in your system, it’s much easier to say no to whatever unhealthy temptation comes your way.

Boost Your Burn #3: Eat and Work Out

You don’t want to gorge yourself on everything you can shove in your mouth before working out, but eating a bit beforehand can work wonders. With a protein-rich snack 90 minutes prior to working out, you’ll find yourself to be more focused and better able to push your body harder and longer than usual, leading to faster fat burning success.

Boost Your Burn #4: Forget Your Weight

This may seem contrary to burning fat, but if you really want to turn up your body’s fat-burning potential, you’re going to need to ignore what the scale says. When the goal is burning fat and toning up, you’re going to want to add muscle, which weighs more than fat.

Boost Your Burn #5: Get Weighty

Since you read the last tip, you probably saw this one coming. If you want to burn more fat off your body, you need to hit the weights. That doesn’t mean you have to become a professional body builder or push yourself until you can bench press a small car. What it does mean is that you need to include weights and strength training in your routine a few days a week. If you’re new to lifting weights, reach out to me and I’ll assess your goals and get you on a program that’s just right for you.

Boost Your Burn #6: Go Green

It may seem like magic, but green tea is rumored to aid in fat burning. Actually, the connection between drinking green tea and burning more calories is well documented in research.

Boost Your Burn #7: Change It Up

Been eating the same stuff and doing the same workout routine for a few months? Not seen any fat melt from your love handles lately? Then your body may be asking for some variety. Changing up your exercise routine on occasion will work your body in new ways, forcing it to respond with extra fat burn. So if your fat loss has plateaued, variety will get the burn heated up once again.

Bonus Tip!

Want one more fat-burning method to get your body sleek and slim? Here it is: stop drinking fattening, sugary drinks! Whether your weakness is flavored coffee with all the goodies, sweet tea, or beer, these drinks pile useless calories onto your body, forcing you to have to work even harder to burn fat. Avoid this dilemma by going with water.

Remember that the most effective fat burn comes as the result of a consistent and challenging exercise program. Call or email today to get started on an exercise program that will change your shape forever!

Forget Past Failures

Please resist the urge to let past failures get you down. I don’t care how many times you’ve tried and failed to transform your body – and you shouldn’t either. What matters is that you’re motivated NOW, so let’s grab that momentum and get moving! The one and only way to reshape your body is with a combination of cardio exercises, a healthy diet, and the right resistance workouts. This is the winning combination that will see you through to your goal. If you’re serious about transforming your body then call or email today to set up a consultation with me

4 Ways to Get Your Swimsuit Body

4 Things to do NOW to get ready for Bikini season

Spring break has come and gone and summer now looms on the horizon…and with it that dreaded moment when you’ll find yourself shopping for a bathing suit. Don’t fret, if you act now there’s still time to tighten up before hitting the beach.

Do these 4 things NOW to quickly get yourself into bikini shape…

1. Eat more Veggies

Your mom was right, eating vegetables really is a good idea, especially when preparing to shimmy into a bathing suit. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First, veggies are low in calories and high in fiber, which means that you’re filling up without packing on pounds. Second, the vitamins and minerals in fresh vegetables nourish your body and cut down on cravings.

2. Add Five Minutes

Each week, between now and your beach debut, I want you to add 5 minutes to your workouts. Just five more minutes. The slight increase from week to week will hardly be noticeable, but the extra fat burn will pay off nicely. Use these extra five minutes to do intense burst of exercise, such as burpees, squat to presses and walking lunges.

3. Double up on Water

Not only will staying extra hydrated help your skin to have a healthy glow, it will also speed up your fat loss efforts. Most of us are walking around in a state of chronic dehydration, which contributes to fatigue, stubborn weight gain and constipation. By drinking more water throughout the day, and by limiting your intake of caffeinated beverages, you’ll become healthier, more radiant, and sexier in that bikini.

4. Eat low Carb (after 4pm)

One of the easiest ways to drop a few inches around your waist before the warm weather hits is to eat low carb after 4pm each day. This means eating dinners that are centered around salads and vegetables rather than breads and pastas. If you simply must have your oatmeal or whole grain bread each day, then eat it for breakfast or lunch and give low carb dinners a try. Don’t forget that sugar counts as carbs, so skip that sugary dessert and try a grapefruit for dessert.