Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is when the intestines loses their ability move out their contents. Major symptoms can diarrhea, bloating in the abdominals that is painful and/or constipation. Less severe symptoms may be anxiety, depression, fatigue, headaches.
Acupuncture can help with the imbalance of the spleen. The spleen is in charge of digestion and moves the foods and liquid, without proper function of the spleen your energy that provides power and nourishment for the entire body will not function correctly. Another way IBS can effect your body is from the Liver. In Chinese Medicine the Liver is associated with emotional factors and a poor diet that consists of overindulgence of alcohol, drugs, medicines and/or a poor diet can attack the spleen and weaken your body. This will lead to poor digestion and IBS.
One other imbalance is Kidney Yang imbalance. Your kidney yang is the energy that provides warmth to your body. Thus warming the spleen aids in better digestion. Symptoms of Kidney Yang deficiency is early morning diarrhea, cold limbs, weak knees, sore back and bladder incontinence.
Acupuncture will help balance your body and get to the root of the problems of IBS.
Get into action and call me at 714-875-5790