Dieting Alone Isn’t Enough

Have you tried losing weight by dieting alone? Frustrating isn’t it? Exercise is a vital part of the weight loss formula and is proven to increase your metabolism all day long. Dieting alone could never do that.

 Published research by scientists at Oregon Health & Science University demonstrates that simply reducing caloric intake is not enough to promote significant weight loss. This appears to be due to a natural compensatory mechanism that reduces a person’s physical activity in response to a reduction in calorie. The research is published in the April edition of theAmerican Journal of Physiology — Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.

 “In the midst of America’s obesity epidemic, physicians frequently advise their patients to reduce the number of calories they are consuming on a daily basis. This research shows that simply dieting will not likely cause substantial weight loss. Instead, diet and exercise must be combined to achieve this goal,” explained Judy Cameron Ph.D., a senior scientist at OHSU’s Oregon National Primate Research Center, and a professor of behavioral neuroscience and obstetrics & gynecology in the OHSU School of Medicine, as well as a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh.

To conduct the research, Cameron and OHSU post-doctoral fellow Elinor Sullivan, Ph.D., studied 18 female rhesus macaque monkeys at the Oregon National Primate Research Center. The monkeys were placed on a high-fat diet for several years. They were then returned to a lower-fat diet (standard monkey food) with a 30 percent reduction in calories. For a one-month period, the monkeys’ weight and activity levels were closely tracked. Activity was tracked through the use of an activity monitor worn on a collar.

“Surprisingly, there was no significant weight loss at the end of the month,” explained Sullivan. “However, there was a significant change in the activity levels for these monkeys. Naturally occurring levels of physical activity for the animals began to diminish soon after the reduced-calorie diet began. When caloric intake was further reduced in a second month, physical activity in the monkeys diminished even further.”

A comparison group of three monkeys was fed a normal monkey diet and was trained to exercise for one hour daily on a treadmill. This comparison group did lose weight.

“This study demonstrates that there is a natural body mechanism which conserves energy in response to a reduction in calories. Food is not always plentiful for humans and animals and the body seems to have developed a strategy for responding to these fluctuations,” added Cameron. “These findings will assist medical professionals in advising their patients. It may also impact the development of community interventions to battle the childhood obesity epidemic and lead to programs that emphasize both diet and exercise.”

The research was supported by the National Institutes of Health.


5 Bad Habits Belly Fat Won’t Budge

There’s nothing quite as frustrating as that stubborn belly fat that sits around your waist, makes your pants tight and destroys your confidence.

If you have belly fat to lose, then chances are great that you are harboring one or more of these 5 habits.

Read the 5 Bad Habits Belly Fat won’t budge

Belly Fat Habit #1: Too Much Sugar

Sugar is found in many of the foods that you eat daily. From breakfast cereals, to coffee drinks, to protein bars, to energy drinks…more items in your daily diet contain sugar than you’re aware of. All of these sugar calories add up quickly and translate into many pounds gained.

Make it a habit to read the ingredients and the sugar count in the foods you are eating. Pay special attention to breakfast items, yogurts, protein bars and any item that is packaged. Avoid eating foods that contain added sugars as a part of your daily diet.

Belly Fat Habit #2: Daily Dessert

There used to be a time and place when desserts were reserved for Sunday evenings and special occasions. Not anymore! These days dessert has become a daily occurrence. Much like the first Belly Fat Habit, having dessert is another form of having too much sugar, and all those sugar calories rapidly turn to fat.

Forget eating dessert everyday. Save desserts for cheat days and special occasions, and stick with fresh fruit as your daily after-meal sweet.

Belly Fat Habit #3: Bad Snacking

In recent years snacking has been named one of the best ways to maintain your metabolism, in order to burn fat all day long; and while there is some truth to eating small, high protein-high fiber meals frequently, for the most part all of this snacking has done nothing better than make us fat.

Most snack items are crunchy and salty, 2 qualities that you’ll rarely find in a healthy snack, and contain loads of simple carbohydrates and, you guessed it, more sugar. In order to avoid belly fat you’re better off avoiding all traditional snack foods, and to fall out of the habit of ‘snacking’ entirely.

If you’re hungry between meals then eat a small amount of protein and fiber, such as a hard boiled egg with cucumber, or a packet of tuna with celery.

Belly Fat Habit #4: Daily Alcohol

Having that drink with dinner (or two, or three…) can quickly become a fast and steady habit. It’s easy to justify the drinks because you had a long, hard day and you deserve it. The alcohol takes your mind off of your troubles and loosens you up for a good time. However, all those alcohol calories are basically sugar, and all that sugar is going straight to your belly. (Beer belly, anyone?)

Breaking your daily alcohol habit is tough, I’ll give you that, however it may motivate you to know that it’s nearly impossible to lose fat on a day when you’re drinking alcohol. Alcohol = fat storage mode. Also it’s great to know that once you’ve allocated alcohol to cheat days and special occasions, you’ll lose fat quicker and easier than ever before.

Belly Fat Habit #5: Lack of Exercise

This one is kind of a no-brainier, right? If you aren’t moving your body in a consistent, challenging way then you’re going to store body fat. Plain and simple. An effective, invigorating exercise routine is the ticket you need to dump that fat for good.

I’m here to help you simply and easily lose all of your unwanted belly fat. The start of this brand new year is the perfect time to begin an exercise program that really works.

Contact me today to ditch that belly fat forever.

General Health and Hyperbarics

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber is one of the most effective ways to cure patient’s current health condition. Patients slip inside the chamber and the increase atmospheric pressure allows the patient more oxygen to penetrate inside their blood cells, spinal fluid, blood plasma and other such body fluids. When breathing normally inside the chamber the increased atmospheric pressure allows you to inhale 100% pure oxygen. These chambers have given effective results and have shown considerable improvement in the overall health of the patients.

General Health with HBOT, increases energy levels, supports the immune system, decreases risk of infection, reduces stress and anxiety, promotes the creation of new stem cells, decreases inflammation, anti-aging, excellent for sport recovery and performance, decrease the chance of stroke, stimulates the creation of new blood vessels to help combat compromised blood flow and prevent organ failure in diabetes.

Interested in better health and immunity, please contact, Chiroplus at 3220 Brea Canyon Rd, Ste F, Diamond Bar, 909-598-7868

Boost Your Immunity With Acupuncture This Fall Season

Hi there, the beautiful and colorful Fall season is upon us and its important to be proactive against illness during this time of year. Acupuncture will activate the natural healing process and boost the immune system. Consider scheduling an appointment towards your own wellness.
Be proactive and give me a call to schedule a treatment

Understanding Depression

The passing of Robyn Williams has rocked so many of us. In my practice it has been the topic this week. Understanding depression is sometimes hard for some of use to grasp and it can be a black hole for those who suffer with the mental disorder.
I wanted to educate those on how acupuncture and herbal medicine can help with depression.

Understanding the meaning of Spirit

In Chinese Medicine, Spirit is conscious awareness, the more emotional and elusive aspect of being. The body must be in a good state of health, and there must be sufficient nourishment and balance for the spirit (mind) to be at peace. When improper diet, extreme emotions, trauma, and external diseases injure the body, the spirit does not have a comfortable place to rest. The mind floats and becomes restless. To address this problem, we balance the underlying problem, (the body) and in the meantime we also calm the spirit (mind). Thus, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, we treat the cause of the depression AND we calm the spirit so that the patient feels happier and more at peace.

Why You Need To Detox Your Body

Purification (Detoxification), can help you remove toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. We are exposed to external toxins everyday, ex, pollutants, chemicals and pesticides. Our bodies become overburdened. Detoxification will add support to expel the toxins and reduce your weight. It will strengthen the bodies’ natural defenses to heal itself.

What are the benefits to Detoxification?
*Weight Loss
*Increased energy
*Better sleep
*Less bloating
*Clearer thinking
*Clearer skin
*Shiner Hair
*Disappearance or lessening of past conditions (Inflammation, menopausal/PMS symptoms, digestive issues, have a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

For more information on the program, call 714-875-5790

Acupuncture and Pain

Acupuncture and Pain

Now new research is providing answers. German studies have shown that something is definitely going on, neurologically speaking, when acupuncture needles are in place: In a series of imaging experiments involving short electric zaps, using an electrical stimulation machine, to the ankle, researchers found that when acupuncture needles were inserted before the zap, the pain centers in volunteers’ brains were significantly calmer.

Also studies have been positive, showing that adding acupuncture to standard medical treatments helps people with a wide variety ailments. In these studies, involving thousands of patients, everybody got first-rate regular care-whatever their doctors recommended. Then some patients were randomly chosen to also receive up to 15 sessions of acupuncture. After 3 months and an average of 10 acupuncture treatments , patients were evaluated to see whether their symptoms and ability to function were substantially improved.

Acupuncture works, give me a call to set an appointment-

Let’s Get Detoxing For The New Year

Get Ready for New Year Resolutions. Resolve 2014, with Standard Process Detox & Weight Loss Management Program.

Why do I need to Detox?

Purification (Detoxification), can help you remove toxins from your body and help maintain a healthy weight. We are exposed to external toxins everyday, ex, pollutants, chemicals and pesticides. Our bodies become overburdened. Detoxification will add support to expel the toxins and reduce your weight. It will strengthen the bodies’ natural defenses to heal itself.

What are the benefits to Detoxification?
*Weight Loss
*Increased energy
*Better sleep
*Less bloating
*Clearer thinking
*Clearer skin
*Shiner Hair
*Disappearance or lessening of past conditions (Inflammation, menopausal/PMS symptoms, digestive problems, etc)
So ring in the New Year with a healthy mind, body, and spirit.

For more information on the program, call 714-875-5790