Healing Takes Time

Patients always want to know how long-how many treatments will it take until they feel better. People are used to quick results with acupuncture. Acupuncture treatements may take a couple of treatments or a month or more until significant and lasting relief is achieved. People say,” If I take a painkiller I’ll feel better faster, although there’s not real healing, only masking the real problem and your right back where you started…in pain or still sick.
Acupuncture and other natural approaches, such as your diet, exercise and herbal medicine actually change the body functions.   It helps the body learn to heal faster. The process of healing, and enhancing the way your body functions, is fundamentally different than suppressing symptoms. Its natural to want quick results. Many people give up on acupuncture after four or five treatments. True healing and repair takes time, and for some patients it takes longer than it does for others. But the body has remarkable ability to repair. Just give it time. Most patients feel better and are glad they didn’t give up.