Acupuncture can help Menopause

Menopause is a natural, physiological cycle tht occurs in all women. Conventional medicine treatments only address various symptoms and sigins associated with menopause.

Aupuncture and Chinese Medicine treats and understands that symptoms and signs are merely indication of an imblances deep within the body. This ancient healing medicine focuses upon correcting underlying imbalcnces. These imbalances, if left unchecked, will result in a variety of symptoms and signs normally associated with a Western diagnosis of menopuase.

Estrogen is similar to what acupuncturists called JING Qi. Jing Qi is like a gift that is given to all of us at the time of conception. It is the battery that provides us with the basic energy to power all our life functions. When Jing qi is abundant, our ability to adapt to disease, illness and stress is optimal.

As we age, our Jing Qi energy is slowly drained. Declining of Jing Qi is between the ages of 35 to 60. When the Jing Qi declines, the organ system within our body becomes unbalanced. This lead to various symptoms and signs, such as weakness in knees, urinary difficulty, poor memory, backache and fatigue.

Another factor that can contribute to menopause is an imbalance of Yin and Yang energies. Yin is the cooling system of the body. When this cooling system declines, heat symptoms will naturally arise, leading to night sweats, restlessness, hot flashes, mood swings, heart palpitations and insomnia. The decline of yang energy can also imbalance. Yang represents the warming and metabolizing functions of the body. When Yang is unbalanced symptoms may include w3ater retention, cold hands, and feet, weight gain, edema, indigestion, hypertension or raised cholestrol levels.

This is what Acupuncture can do for Menopause:

Treating menopausal symptoms is conducted throught a thorough evaluation and a complete health history. The signs and symptoms and other information that is gathered are pieces of the diagnostic health puzzle. Each patient is unique and a proper treatment plan will be address for each patient.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine. will help menopausual symptoms. Give me a call and let’s get started.

Tina Labok Wellness-714875-5790